On the anthology I Love You, I Hate You, Get Lost by Ellen Conford.

Types of Conflicts in "Beware the Ides of November"

Man vs. Fate
This conflict is the most apparent because the whole story is circled around a misleading horoscope that Nikki receives. Although not necessarily fate, something like a horoscope is an element that a human being cannot control. This conflict has the biggest effect on Nikki because the horoscope is something that she strongly believes in and cannot accept the fact that it may be false. Throughout the whole story, Nikki is faced with many obstacles that reject the message in her horoscope. Since it’s something that she has so much faith in, Nikki continues to fight against fate to attempt to create her ideal day.

Man vs. Himself/Herself
While man vs. fate is the predominant conflict, there is a hidden struggle between Nikki and her own self in this story as well. Insecure enough as it is, Nikki uses the good fortune of the horoscope as a crutch to feel good about herself and put on the mask of a happy and confident girl. But when the horoscope doesn’t come true and backfires, Nikki is left with nothing but her true self. This conflict prompts her to break down in embarrassment and distress, which lead to many more complications in the story.